3D Reprap Ramps 1.42004 printer LCD intelligent controller blue screen


sold: 1



The use of 2004LCD can refer to the video display screen.
Product Name: 3D Reprap Ramps 1.4 printer 2004LCD intelligent controller display
Weight: 160g
RAMPS LCD2004 kit contains the following:
1.RAMPS LCD2004 motherboard 1
2.L type adapter plate 1
3.FC cable 2
Note: insert the SD card SD card offline printing, please bring your own, this product does not contain!
Technical support and guarantee:
And the official Wiki products, 100%!
Do the power test before delivery, which can be used to ship.
If you have any problems welcome in the Baidu Post Bar: http://tieba.baidu.com/makerbase we will reply as soon as possible
Welcome friends to join the discussion group: 156492164.
Product features:
The 1 big screen LCD 20044 lines of 20 characters per line
2 back integrated SD card, SD card file in section, select the corresponding file can be printed on LCD.
3 products with encoder, which can realize the parameter adjustment, and choose to print documents!
4.ramps plug and play, but the need to modify the firmware to support.
Special note:
This is the official Wiki products, can adjust the contrast, but the background light is fixed, can not adjust. Some users think 2004LCD display screen is dark, like some brighter, resistance can be replaced by the control panel on the back, the resistor wiki is 1K, the replacement for the 500 euro or 0 Euro resistance screen will be more bright, the resistance of the position to replace the red arrow in the map to see sketch:
Product description:
The intelligent controller contains a SD card reader, a rotary encoder and a 20 * 4 character LCD display. You can easily connect it to your RAMPS 1.4 in the use of “intelligent adapter” included in the.
This panel connected to your RAMPS 1.4, you don’t need your computer, your SD card intelligent controller of power supply. Further all the operations, such as calibration, motion can be done only by the intelligent controller of rotary encoder. Without a computer print 3D design, only the G code stored in the SD card design
Ramps plug and play, but the need to modify the firmware to support, in the case of Marlin, the two line has been annotated uncomment, downloaded to the board to use the compiler.
Search in the Configuration.h file
Two the front slash will delete, into
Recompile and download can be used.
Installation dimensions:


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